Saturday, April 30, 2011


Given the recent tragedies in this country lately I thought now would be a good time to give thanks for everything in my life....

1. Thank you Jesus....for dying for me so that I do not have to.
2. Family...not just biological. Sometimes biological is not enough.
3. For seeing someone have that "aha" moment in life when they realize that they can't do it on their own and to be the one they can reach out to. (This is fairly new to me but still feels pretty great)
4. The warmth we have had this weekend...if you live in Nebraska you understand.

What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Capture-Smile

This weeks You Cature moment assignment from Beth. happy viewing :)

My Squidgy :)

From the wedding I had the privilege to shoot this weekend. I am told that this behavior is quiet normal for the bride and groom!

This where the almost 13 year olds photo would go if I could get one of him :( So we settle for 6 months old :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

You Capture-Fun

I know I am late on this one...been a crazy couple of weeks. Sicknesses and tons of antibiotics=no sleep in the last couple is my contribution to the weeks You Capture from Beth over at

We went to a wedding was heavenly outside and the kids at this wedding were so sweet :)

The flowers were beautiful!

It was just an all around great day!!

This last one is my hubby and I. The groom was the best man at our wedding, 14 years ago this coming June. I love him more and more each day!