Monday, June 6, 2011

This past week......

1. I have shipped the kids 450 miles away. They will return in three weeks. They are on the farm again this summer taking care of cows, chickens, sheep, and horses. I have only talked to them once since Friday morning. That was about a five minute conversation. They were too busy to chat long. They will call when they get lonely.

2. I am trying desperately to change the color of my thumbs. You see, they are very black. I kill everything I plant.....everything. We planted Petunias this week in the side yard. I am working on growing some cosmos and marigolds in the house to I can transplant them later. We got a tiller and since our good friend Scott came over last weekend and pruned our trees, we may actually be able to grow some grass this year. We tried and did get it to grow last year, then we had the Father's Day flood....wiped everything out. :(

3. We go the ok, finally, from the landlord to get new carpet. I cannot tell you how excited I am . The current carpet is as old as I think I am kidding don't you. sadly I am not. Ok well maybe a little but it is from at least may be older but we are not sure. So we went and picked it out this week and hopefully it will be going in before th end of summer. Oh, and they are going to put in a shower in the upstairs bathroom!!! Our current shower is literally a hole in the wall carved out and stuck with one of those 30" wide showers. The floor is broken and if you are not careful, you will fall in the drain. Ewwwww. I also picked out paint for the bathroom but I am currently fighting with the wallpaper. Wallpaper was all the rage in the 70's (which is when this stuff was put on) but not it just causes rage!!!

On a sad note....Stephen's Grandma Lizzie is dying. She had a stroke back in December and had another one a couple weeks ago. She is 82, almost 83. She is 4' 11" of orneriness and sweet all in one. She is the Godliest woman I know and she knows exactly where she is going. Oh to be there when she arrives in Heaven...what a sight that will be! If you are of the praying kind,, just say an extra prayer for her family and they go through this transition in her life.

Grandma :)

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